
Thursday, June 23, 2011

Comparison of Two Stars

Messi vs Ronaldo
"Christiano vs Lionel"
Maybe we already know the capabilities of these two stars Messi and Ronaldo. Both, most likely, are the two greatest players the world today. So if someday prove that one is better, does not mean that losing is a bad player.
Let's look at the comparison below:
Style Comparison Both have been on the same level, where the majority of the skills they have been perfect.
Christiano Ronaldo has a very technical style, he's got all the techniques needed to become a footballer. Coupled with the agility footwork, the technique has to be looked super.
The difference between Ronaldo and Messi, Messi is more natural when his feet touched the ball he was playing. A common style was born on earth of South America, and well-liked throughout the world. Messi is very natural movement, such as capillary movement of water through small slits. Messi past opponents with drible, not with agility.
natural talent is what makes Messi more valuable.
But somehow, the style is a matter of taste. 

Comparison of Character: Protagonist vs. Antagonist

Ronaldo vs Messi
"Protagonis vs Antagonis"
Messi and Ronaldo as complementary balance, like yin and yang. If Messi is the figure of the protagonist, then Ronaldo is the antagonist.
Ronaldo often makes people feel should be upset with the exclusion of facts about how great his talent. Ronaldo had a look of arrogance that is almost the same as the coach who is also from Portugal, Jose Murinho. Ridicule and negative whistling supporters backsound enemy almost always be in every appearance. Fortunately, Ronaldo also has the mental strength which is more than enough to face all the cynicism of pressure on him.
Messi is different, being innocent boy with a completely opposite with Ronaldo. Messi is more quiet and withdrawn. When he played brilliantly and then destroy the back row of his opponents, supporters of the enemy can actually join in the clapping. Of his character, Messi got the respect that is bigger than Ronaldo.
Contribution Messi and Ronaldo obviously has a significant contribution to his team each. But it is still difficult to gauge who has the greater influence, because each team has 10 players on the field. For example, if Messi would be easy to score if no Xavi, etc. ...
If you want to force myself to analyze individually, Messi is more effective and productive. Ronaldo is more of a shot on goal, but Messi scored more goals. What can be concluded? Messi is more accurate finishing, or could have been arguably more ambitious in trying to Ronaldo slightest opportunity.
Just a note, the best players can not
be measured from statistics alone. Zinedine Zidane remains one of the world's best players of all time but not much scoring.
Performance Assessment based on performance, could be an alternative to compare Messi vs Ronaldo. These statistical indicators to see the contribution of each player on the goals scored by a team and when the team conceded a negative contribution.
Select Messi or Ronaldo? Choose an answer now, or still want to argue long? Well, the war is still not finished until the shoe is hung.
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